This year has been highly irregular because of coronavirus. The world has been hit with a pandemic that has shocked our way of life and astounded all. Job losses, business closures, empty office buildings, disrupted travel plans, modified dining habits, hotels, and lodging vacancies, have ripped the seams of our accustomed social fabric. It’s unsettling.
And yet still, the Wall Street maxim “there’s always a bull market somewhere” reminds savers and investors that the wheels of economic progress will continue rolling forward by today’s innovators and tomorrow’s visionaries.
The companies in the chart are the top-20 largest companies by market capitalization in the S&P 500. Clearly, there have been losers during the covid19 induced recession, and also, winners! History tells us what happens after the fact, while a hypothesis speculates what’s going to happen next. So, what can investors deduce from the laggards and leaders thus far in 2020?